More structure and a better overview with XA Flow!
More structure and a better overview with XA Flow!

Good education thrives on good staff

Good education thrives on good staff
Written by Sayed Nasibdar on

For many educational institutions, employees are one of the most important assets. Whether these are administrators, teachers or even educational support staff. One thing is certain, the quality of education is mostly determined by the people who work there. After all, good education thrives on good staff!

An intake process that is as efficient and effective as possible - from appointment to the first day at work - is therefore highly commended by most educational institutions. Moreover, educational institutions find it essential that the intake process is experienced by (new) employees as a pleasant process. This means that new employees must not only feel welcome, but in reality they should be welcome.

However, we have noticed that in practice many educational institutions have to deal with a high administrative workload and large backlogs. This creates numerous challenges on a daily basis and causes deadlines to be postponed time and time again. Not only because many new employees join every year, but also because current (temporary) employment contracts need to be managed properly and all kinds of secondary processes need to be started up when new employees join. These include, for example, intake interviews, salary negotiations, the delivery, checking, scanning and archiving of all kinds of mandatory documents, the application for Certificates of Good Conduct (VOG), e-mail accounts and network access, computers or laptops, rosters, a physical workplace, and so on.

In practice, these are often manual, prone to errors and time-consuming repetitive activities, which do not always fit together flawlessly because they are carried out by different departments and no one feels responsible for the overall process. Each department uses its own (sub)processes, forms, checklists and schedules. New requests are bundled by some departments and processed on a weekly or even monthly basis, instead of being handled individually. In short: many different working methods and unfortunately the possibility of loose ends.

Process optimization with XA Flow 

By using XA Flow, educational institutions can make a major efficiency and quality leap. With XA Flow, the entire intake process can be optimized, automated and digitized. Because no two educational institutions are the same, we start by making a thorough analysis and inventory of the current process in the form of a Quick Scan. During the Quickscan, we will determine together which points within your work process can be improved and what these improvements actually yield in practice. With the outcome of the scan we can then determine the next steps to be taken, how we can implement these together with your employees and to which improvements this will exactly lead. The final result of the Quick Scan is a thorough advisory report and a good business case. This makes our Quick Scan the ideal starting point for an improvement process.

100% software independent: make all your software together collaboratively!

Our automation solution XA Flow works 100% software independently. We can easily create secure links to your existing software solutions. You can think of eHRM software, financial packages, ERP systems, declaration software, but also API connections (for example, with the API of Justis to automatically request VOG declarations). How nice would it be if a new employee could upload all the required documents or schedules his or her own intake interview via a secure personal portal? Subsequently, the documents provided can also be checked by your own HR staff and, after approval, automatically archived (with the correct metadata) in your personnel information system. It does not matter which system you use. Parallel to this, a VOG application can also be started immediately, as can other secondary processes such as, for example, applying for an account and network access, a computer or laptop, a declaration for the VOG application, and so on. The whole process is completed within a few hours, from appointment to the first day of work, with sufficient attention for the employee (experience)!